
Showing posts from July, 2020

Fellowship of Kickass

I've played on these settings quite a bit but was unable to find a dedicated server that had all of them where I wanted. It’s tough to play it solo which is why I’m inviting you, the few with enough kickass, to join me in the Fellowship of Kickass. Here are the settings, why they’re challenging, and some strategies I’ve developed along the way.   Insane difficulty – Pretty self-explanatory. Zombies do a lot of damage and take a lot of damage. This makes early game incredibly hard. Weapons that would carry you through those first couple days relatively easy won’t. Bows and blunderbuss take a ton of ammo for a kill and since zombies pick up speed when you hit them, fighting more than one at a time can spell disaster. Two work-arounds are to build wood traps and hope they run into them before you do and/or to use wood blocks in doorways and repair them while you melee 25 times (no joke).   Loot (100% - does not respawn) – With the new loot table it can take to day 4 or 5 until you